
Randy Eccles Quarles ('25) graduated from Stanford University, where he majored in Computer Science, focusing on Artificial Intelligence, and minored in Economics. He also took a gap year between his junior and senior years, which he spent racing biathlon, a combination of cross-country skiing and rifle shooting. At UChicago, he is the treasurer of the Dallin H. Oaks Society, Students for Religious Liberty, and the Hayekians, as well as a member of the Edmund Burke Society. He spent his 1L summer as a legal clerk for the New Civil Liberties Alliance and his 2L summer at the D.C. office of Sullivan and Cromwell. He dearly loves his home state of Utah, especially the University of Utah and its athletic teams. His favorite book is The Book Thief.

Talk to Randy About: Movies! Randy loves movies of almost all genres (even the occasional horror film), and he holds a particular fondness for animated movies.